Drip irrigation solar system
Drip irrigation is one of the most effective applications of solar pumping systems.
Installation eines Systems für den Betrieb bei konstantem Wert
Nastec-Umrichter können die Drehzahländerung einer Pumpe nicht nur auf die Start-Stopp-Phasen, sondern auch während der gesamten Laufzeit des Motors steuern.
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Nastec NOW app installation and use
Find out how to install and use all the features of the Nastec NOW app
Modbus is a serial communication protocol and allows communication between many devices connected to the same network.
Which differential (RCD) to use to protect the inverters?
Over the last few decades, the variety of differential protection devices has steadily increased.
Disturbances and interference in the system
The introduction of an inverter into a system can cause the development of annoying and sometimes harmful disturbances / interference. Find out all the solutions.
COMBO mode
The Nastec COMBO mode consists in using multiple pumps in parallel (up to 8) each connected to an inverter.
Complete firmware update
Thanks to Nastec Now App, it's today possible to easily perform a complete firmware update
FOC, what it is and how it works
Find out what is the FOC (Field Oriented Control) motor control implemented in the "FOC-ready" inverters
Nastec Service
Find out how to use all the services of the Nastec Service web portal