Tag Archive for: Nastec
Happy Birthday Nastec!
Our adventure begins 15 years ago...
Nastec COMBO Solar
COMBO Solar is the unique Nastec feature to maximize the efficiency and reliability of a solar pumping system
Installation of a system for the operation at constant value
Nastec inverters can manage the rotation speed of the pump, to keep the pressure (or another quantity) constant in one point of the system, as the water demand by the user varies.
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Nastec NOW app installation and use
Find out how to install and use all the features of the Nastec NOW app
Modbus is a serial communication protocol and allows communication between many devices connected to the same network.
COMBO mode
The Nastec COMBO mode consists in using multiple pumps in parallel (up to 8) each connected to an inverter.
Complete firmware update
Thanks to Nastec Now App, it's today possible to easily perform a complete firmware update
FOC, what it is and how it works
Find out what is the FOC (Field Oriented Control) motor control implemented in the "FOC-ready" inverters